1367. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 July 1999 at noon.
I figured that the hardest place to Anoint would be the areas in Jordan, for we needed visas to get into the country and a car to move around undetected. So we decided first to go to a tourist agency at the beginning of our mission trip to find out the cost in getting a private tour. When the tour agency started asking us questions on why we wanted a private tour and the reasons for this trip (for he had cheaper tours where more people went), we answered him the best we could. We had to watch our wording for everyone in Israel is worried about terrorists. After we received the price for our private tour, we decided to leave the agency to pray to the Lord about this tour package.
We went to an outside café and we prayed.
And the Lord gave me this Word:
"Anoint only Mt. Nebo". "The rest is just worthless pagan desert."
So we prayed again to be sure if we should take the next available private tour.
And the Lord said,
"When you pluck a feather from a goose does it jump?"
So we understood the above as a yes and we purchased the private tourist package from the tourist agency.
The Anointed areas:
We left the tourist agency and proceeded toward Tel Aviv to begin the Anointing on the 30-mile perimeter from the Old City of Jerusalem.
We stopped at Yavne and the Lord said,
"Anoint here".
This was in a park neighboring a synagogue.
Then we drove by Qavat Malakhi and the Lord said,
"Move on!"
When we arrived at Qiryat Gat the Lord said,
Then we drove past a park and the Lord said,
"Keep moving!"
Then we drove into Uzza and the Lord said,
"Seek and you will find!"
Then the Lord led us to another park, which had a large water tank and synagogue and we Anointed an area in the park.
Then we drove towards Edn Dhahiriya. We were about 8 Km into the West Bank and past the military checkpoint, and I was a little nervous because we were driving a rental car, (which was clearly labeled on the side doors). We were told by the rental agency not to drive the car into these areas for it was dangerous (Muslim cities in the West Bank).
Well, we drove in this forbidden area until the Lord said, "Do not go much further!" So we did a U-turn at the next intersection and I quickly poured the Olive oil as quickly as possible onto the ground from the back door of the car. For it looked like many workers were returning home from work and we did not want any trouble if some of them saw us Anointing the ground. And there were soldiers out there with REAL guns. So there we were, three Christians, Anointing a small Muslim area for the Lord. I don't really believe they would have understood what we were doing. They were more likely to believe we were terrorists. So we left the area as quickly as possible. I remember Carl once said that the Israelis and the Jordanians would find it easy to believe he and Mark were terrorists, but that I didn't fit the part. (I wonder if he was saying I was to old and out of shape? <Smile>)
So then we drove on highway 31, and away from the potential trouble. Then as we were driving the Lord said, "Pull over and park in a safe place!" So as we drove looking for a safe place to park - the Lord said, "What goes up comes down!" So we kept driving looking for that safe place to park the car, then as we were still driving the Lord said, "Shake the dust off your shoes!"
I saw a watermelon stand in the distance and I suggested we stop and buy a watermelon for it looked like a safe place to stop. So we purchased a watermelon and we shook the dust off our shoes when we climbed in the car as the Lord had told us to do.
By this time it was about 9 or 10 PM and Carl was getting sleepy so we stopped at a resort hotel at the Dead Sea about 5 miles south of Massada. It was very, very hot at this place, so we rested a little and we prayed, and the Lord said to move on.
So we began on our late night drive again and as we proceeded toward the next Anointing spot, I heard a demonic voice say, "You don't have to stop here!", "You quack!" Then when we reached our destination I heard a demonic voice say, "You don't want to do this!"
So we stopped the car at the side of the highway and I opened the back door and Anointed the ground in the Name of the Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I remember Carl and Mark had gotten out of the car and I guess they were going to take pictures or something, when I heard the Voice of the Lord say, "Now - leave here quickly!" I told Carl and Mark what the Lord had said and we drove away from that place as quickly as we could. Then some time later the Lord said, "Thank you good and faithful servants!"
This was a very strange drive back to our hotel. We were all tired and Carl was still a little sleepy as he drove the car and it seemed like we would never get back to our hotel. Then I heard another demonic voice say, "Slow down and stop. Take a break!" For some reason the demons wanted us to stop and the Lord wanted us to quickly leave. We drove for another hour or so and we stopped at a gas station and rested a little before we reached our hotel. It was a very long day, but we covered a lot of area and Anointed three or four spots.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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