1382. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 July 1999 at 12:15 AM.
During prayer I asked the Lord about going to the Old City of Jerusalem and the Lord said, "You can go to these places to look, but why seek the traditions of a dead culture. He who picks up the plow does not look back. Seek the things of the new covenant not of the old."
After dinner we walked through the Old City and ended up at the Western Wall and the Lord said, "Why, Why, Why!".
The Lord said this in a very disgusted tone almost as if I could see Him shake His head as He said it. I do not remember the whole conversation, but I became very frightened at His tone and I wanted to run out of there as fast as I could, but we had lost Carl. Carl had left us and began to mingle with the hundreds Jewish people worshipping at the Western Wall. I am not very tall and I looked and looked, but I could not see Carl anywhere.
I was very frightened and said to the Lord, "We cannot leave - Carl has the car keys and he is inside the men's section at the Western Wall!"
Then the Lord said, "Sit there and wait for Carl with your back to the Western Wall and DO NOT LOOK BACK! DO NOT COME BACK HERE AGAIN!!!"
Comments: I had no idea what I had walked into by going to the Western Wall, but the Lord was really mad with me. I felt at one point the Lord was going to kill me - right there on the spot. There seems to be some unresolved issues between the Jewish people and the Lord and somehow I walked into the middle of something. Finally Carl returned and I told him what the Lord had said and we left there as fast as we could. I will never forget how helpless I felt that night, the Lord was saying to leave and Carl was nowhere to be found. My heart was racing a million miles per hour during that encounter.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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