1486. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 April 2000.
I have been resting and sensing an enormous war around me in the spirit. I have been on the computer for hours today and I am just tired. I partially see in the spirit, a spiritual encampment around my house. I can see these Angels fighting these demons or whatever they are. All I can do is lay in bed and watch.
Then the Lords says, "You are My Ambassador and I protect what belongs to Me."
I wish you could see, what I see, the power forces are hitting each other very hard. It is incredible! It looks like a major assault. Huh - It is a perfectly round circular around my house. I can hear the dogs going crazy, they are barking and barking. Maybe they can see and hear what is going on in the spirit.
I see two empty wineglasses and a point of a pencil.
I believe these dark forces are retreating, for everything seems to be claming down.
I see this large snake with its mouth open. I believe it is eating something dark, for I cannot see any fangs.
I guess, I will get back to work. (over)
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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