1815. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 8 March 2005
I do not understand why I am posting this, but the Lord wants me to. Eva, Jason, Nathan and I were going to bed, and the Lord said the number “four” (4).
I said to Eva, “The Lord just gave me the number 4. I wonder what it means!”
She commented something and we went to bed. Then two days later, while driving, I remembered the Lord giving me the number 4, and I said to myself again, “I wonder what it means.”
Then the Lord said, “In four days it is going to be your birthday.”
Now today it is the 12th of March, my birthday, and I am working outside by myself, trying to finish this Anointing/brick laying job, and wondering - why did the Lord give the number four in the first place? I will never understand why the Lord does certain things.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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